Friday, 28 June 2013

Not feeling great..

Got a nasty cold at the moment, so I am not feeling great at all! How an earth can you end up getting a cold in summer I'll never know!

Been through 3 boxes of tissues and had an unpleasant sleepless night. I really hope it goes away soon as I beginning to get extremely bored with being ill! I can only put up with it for like a day or two and then I get very fidgety. At the moment I have a completely bunged up head.

So I hope it goes away very soon before I go insane from being confined to the sofa and a box of tissues!!

Thursday, 27 June 2013

The 'Strait' Gate..

I have just started to read The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan and I must say I was very surprised at how good it is..

'Christian' is the protagonist of the allegory and he is journeying through the 'strait' gate  to get to the Celestial City for salvation. I love the thought of this 'strait' gate, the narrow path that leads towards Jesus. 

I imagine it as this long narrow country bridleway that is away from all the busyness and the noise but is peaceful and quiet. I imagine that for long stretches this path continues on in peaceful solitariness, surrounded by nature but then suddenly a large dual carriage motorway crosses your path and you have choice in front of you. You can stay on the 'strait' path or join the big motorway. The motorway is loud, busy and is full of people everywhere, dashing in front of one another and speeding towards their destination and it is easy to choose that path to join among the many. 

So which path do I choose? I choose the 'strait' gate which leads towards Jesus..

Matthew 7:13 'Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it'. 

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Cannot believe it!

After 2 long years of my husband being out of work he has finally got a job! After we got  married in January we worked really hard saving lots of money towards a car. 

Jay took 3 times to pass his driving test and finally he passed in May. We managed to buy a car in April. We knew that in order to get a job he really needed his own transport. So when he passed his test we were over the moon!

He has been on the road for just over a month now and finally today after a surprise job interview suddenly dropped on him, he headed off feeling way more confident than he ever had before..

3 hours later he had a phone call from the company and good news he has the job! He starts on Monday and is super excited. It is an IT Apprenticeship which is something that he has always wanted. So 4 days a week he will be working and one day a week spent at college. The Apprenticeship will last 12 months only and be the end he will be on a normal wage. 

I am so happy for him and I know this will boost his confidence even more! I would also like to thank you all those people who prayed for us <3

God bless you.   

Thursday, 20 June 2013

First Appointment.

Well I am glad to say that is my first appointment over with! It was an extremely long journey yesterday. We set off at 11.20am and we found it fairly easy to get on the M1. We were on the M1 for about an hour and it was a smooth drive without any problems but then when we got off at the junction things became more complicated. We got lost on the first roundabout after coming off the M1 and ended up taking a massive detour! Finally after navigating 3 complex roundabouts we arrived at CARE Fertility in Nottingham about 3 minutes late.   

At this point I was feeling extremely nervous, hot, flustered and shaky. As we took a seat in a very busy waiting room I tried my hardest to calm my mind. Despite the fact that we were late they seemed to be running late in there too. We had to fill in some consent forms while we were waiting and then finally after what felt like an age I was called through for my transvaginal scan. They left me in a small room to get changed and as I sat on the bed, I took deep breaths to try and calm myself down. Two nurses entered the room, one for recording the results of the scan and the other to perform the scan. After an uncomfortable start, the scan went very well and I wouldn't be afraid to have another one now. Happily I was told that everything looked very normal. 

I went back to the waiting room and relief washed over me. For me the hardest part was done. My husband had gone off for his semen sample! He had the easy part! 

No sooner had we settled down in the waiting room again we were called for our first appointment with the geneticist. She went through a lot of stuff that we already knew but it's all part of procedure. She did tell us that if we are happy to proceed with everything that they then have to build up a genetic test for us which might take up to 4 months. It all depends how quickly things move along but we are just going with the flow anyway!

After an hour long appointment with the geneticist we then went off for a bite to eat in the car as we were both starving!! At this point it was about 3.00pm and we were both beginning to feel very tired but we only had one appointment to go!

So we went back to the waiting room and was called by a nurse to have our height, weight, blood pressure and CO2 levels tested. The nurse calculated our BMI which was both normal, blood pressure was fine and CO2 levels were took to check that we are both non-smokers which we are. 

Then there was a very long wait for the next appointment with the IVF doctor. Annoyingly there was a TV programme on about food in the waiting room and it was making both me and my husband even hungrier than we already were!! Our appointment was for 4.00pm but we didn't get in there till about 4.15pm. 

The doctor was very nice and she explained everything clearly about the IVF procedure. She told us that my scan shown that I was healthy and had a very high chance of achieving a successful pregnancy as I have 28 egg follicles out of a possible 30. My husband Jason was then told that his sperm sample was also healthy and very good.

So overall our chances of conceiving are high, it's just pot luck how many embryos are affected with the Huntington's disease. We were told that we would have to make a decision about whether we wanted to proceed and let them know. 

After a very long day we finally went home and had  some well deserved chips! 

We have decided to proceed with the IVF/PGD and have told them at CARE fertility, now we just have to wait for the next stage but we both feel very lucky to be having this opportunity! 

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Tomorrow is the day!!!!

Feeling extremely :S now!!!! My belly has about a million butterflies causing havoc in my digestive system! 

Woke up very early this morning at 5.30am - couldn't sleep any more. Have no idea how I am going to sleep tonight! 

I am trying not to get too overexcited just yet though and I continue to pray for the peace of the Lord to fill me.. <3 

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Not long now!

3 days to go until my appointment!! Getting really nervous now..

Thursday, 13 June 2013


Getting really nervous now, it is so close to the first appointment and I cannot think of anything else. Next Wednesday could not come soon enough for me!

At least for the next few days I won't have much time to think about it as I am going to be really busy. Tomorrow I am going back to the healing clinic as I really feel the Lord drawing me back...

I continue to pray for the peace of God that passes all understanding to fill me..

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Sunday, 9 June 2013


Two days ago  I went through the most wonderful experience in my life. I decided to go to a local Christian healing clinic as my faith in the Lord has been growing and growing since last year.

Two older ladies took me to a small room with very comfortable chairs and asked me to explain what I wanted healing from. As well as my HD diagnosis last year I have also been suffering from M.E. for 8 years. If you haven't heard of M.E. it is a long-term fluctuating illness and sufferers mainly experience persistent fatigue and pain. I have had many relapses since I first got the illness when I was 14 years old. 

So I asked the ladies if the Lord could give me my energy back. I had so much energy before I got ill. They laid hands on me and prayed for healing of many areas in my life. They prayed for healing from the top of my head to the sole of my feet. They prayed for a healthy child to come from the IVF/PGD. And whilst they were praying I felt a strange sense of lightness, I almost felt light headed. When they had finished the prayers and I walked out of the room my whole self felt light as though a huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders..

I wasn't sure when I first decided to go whether it would come to anything. I didn't know if I was going to be healed but when I awoke the next day I opened my eyes and there was this deep calm. I got out of bed and again I felt so light, light as a feather. Still today as I write this I feel this lightness of mind and soul and my heart feels full of joy and happiness. I know that God has healed me, he has taken my broken body and spirit and revived it! God is our creator, he made us and therefore he knows how to fix us. He knows every affliction of the body and mind. 

"If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on your which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD God who heals you. --EXODUS 15:26, NKJV"

I have decided to go back to the healing clinic as often as I can and to anyone out there who is suffering in body or mind I would highly recommend going to a healing clinic. I shall continue praying thanks to the Lord. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

The Beginning..

I am hoping by writing this blog that there is someone else out there that might be going through the same thing and could maybe give me some advice on how to cope!

There is no easy way to explain this extremely complicated story but I will start with the main fact - last year I was diagnosed with the Huntington's disease gene. At the time I found out about it I was only 18 and it was a huge thing to go through. Now here I am one year on a completely different person. I have completely  changed since the diagnosis, all I want to do now is to just get on with life and enjoy it!

So this year me and my husband are planning on having a child through a procedure called IVF/PGD. PGD stands for Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (now that's a mouthful!) and it enables people to avoid passing their inherited condition to their potential children and the IVF part will hopefully get me pregnant! 

So far we have been referred to a clinic called CARE Fertility and we have our first appointment for the 19th June! I can barely think of anything else. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time!  

The first appointment involves a very long journey, seeing a Geneticist, a consultation with an IVF doctor and also a semen analysis from my husband and I have to have a transvaginal scan. That is the only part I am not really looking forward to and if anyone who has been through this has a story to share please contact me! 

Well anyhow that is the beginning of my journey and I hope to have much more to share soon :)