Today I received in the mail our IVF/PGD Form for Intention to proceed with Treatment. I have signed on the dotted line... No going back now!!
I have mixed feelings surrounding the whole thing at the moment. Part of me is so excited and cannot wait to proceed with everything but the other part of me is really afraid, vulnerable and nervous as the reality of it all has really set in place now.
I know its completely normal to feel this way. I am going to be putting my body through something that isn't particularly nice but I just have to keep focusing on the end result. The reason I am doing this is to get rid of the Huntington's disease from my family line and to have a baby, free from the HD and with it's whole life ahead of it.
I am so lucky to have the constant support of my husband and my mum and I know they will be there for me every step of the way..But this journey really feels like I am on my own in it and I know it will test me in every possible way I could think of. Emotionally, physically and my faith will all be tested. Fear is one of the greatest evils that humans have to face and I know that I will be looking straight at it!
So I just need to keep my mind focused on the baby at the end..<3
Help me to keep focused on the end result. Help me to stay strong and not allow fear to whisper doubts into my mind. I will keep you in my thoughts constantly..
In the Name of Jesus Christ,
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