Saturday, 27 September 2014

A bit of a struggle...

Since starting the IVF I have sailed through the first 3 weeks without many problems as such. I am about half-way through the IVF now and in the past couple of days have hit a mid-cycle low. Since starting the Menopur on Tuesday I haven't felt that brilliant, my body has felt all over the place. I have felt quite tired and have had various other symptoms but I just carried on thinking perhaps I needed to give it a few days to settle. 

However yesterday I come down feeling quite unwell. I had a temperature, chills, headache and generally feeling unwell. So I rang CARE Fertility last night and she said perhaps I need to have a rest this weekend, take paracetamol and drink plenty of water. So started taking paracetamol and took it easy a bit.

When I woke up today I did feel a bit better and the nurse rang to check up on me. She suggested perhaps I have caught a virus so I must continue taking paracetamol. Later on I came down feeling ill again and sneezed! So perhaps she is right! My scan is on Monday so they will check things out further then. In the meantime I am doing nothing! 

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