Monday, 6 October 2014

Fourth scan...

Off we went this morning for our fourth scan on this wet and grey day! On the journey there I was extremely uncomfortable with pain in my right ovary and unfortunately hadn't packed any paracetamol! 

We pressed on though to arrive on time and waited for the scan! Finally we have been given the go ahead for egg collection (EC)! Sizes are really good ranging from 11mm (the smallest) - 21mm (the biggest) and we discovered why my right ovary is so painful. I have 3 large egg follicles, 21mm, 20.5mm and 18.5mm! 

So the plan of action is one more night of Menopur tonight just to give an extra boost of growth. Then tomorrow will be my trigger injection of Pregnl and I have to continue the Buserelin that night also but stop the Menopur. Then 36 hours from my trigger injection will my EC be scheduled (I will find out all the times tomorrow). On Wednesday I won't have any drugs to take so I will get a nice little break before my EC. 

So EC is Thursday and I am ready to go! Its 6 weeks since I started this third round of IVF and am really looking forward to getting this big procedure out the way with. 

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