Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Results and more pain...

We received the results this morning. 5 embryos had HD and the other 2 embryos came back inconclusive which means they weren't sure whether they did or didn't. Those 2 embryos had also stopped growing after biopsy so there won't be any hope of re-biopsying them. 

To say I am devastated is an understatement. My heart feels like it has suffered so much pain...We have had in total 30 embryos created in one year and all have died or been affected by HD. The whole reason why we did the IVF was to remove a pain so I thought and now it has given me an even greater pain... 

I don't know what I'm going to do or where we will go from here. I'm just thankful I have Jay who is always such an amazing support...

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