Saturday, 22 November 2014

A season has ended...

We had a letter this morning that read as follows: 'I am writing to you with the disappointing news that NHS England are unable to fund a further cycle for you. The funding policy only allows for 3 fresh cycles which you have recently completed'. I was desperate for an answer of what to do.. it has been answered for me. We can no longer have anymore NHS IVF cycles.

This journey of IVF has ended and though it seems we have come out of it empty handed there has been so much I have learnt and so much that has opened my eyes up to the miracle of children. I feel no sadness at the end of this journey. God has delivered me from the greatest pressure I have ever been under. He knew I couldn't take no more...the pain had been too great. I feel relief as though a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders and His peace has filled me...

This season of my life has finished and that means that there is a new one rising on the horizon! I see it brightly shining and warm as the sun! I thank the Lord for His faithfulness throughout this toilsome and rough season we have just been through. He has never left me once and His work in our lives has been awesome!

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