Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Embryo Transfer...

This afternoon we arrived at Nottingham for the embryo transfer! We had a little bit of a wait as there was another person in front of us. I had to put a gown on and Jay even got to wear some scrubs in a nice pink colour! I was taken down to theatre and was introduced to all the team. The embryologist came over to explain how the embryo was and even gave us a photo of our little egg! 

The procedure was a little more difficult than I expected! Unfortunately the catheter inserted into me got stuck in the kink in my cervix (which apparently is very prominent) so the nurse had a bit of a struggle and it ended up being quite painful. However eventually she got past that bit and suddenly we watched on the ultrasound screen our little egg float out of the catheter. It feels strange to think that that little egg is inside me now...

After the procedure we were given our own pregnancy test kit and were told that we are going to test on Tuesday 25th February! 13 days to wait... How very blessed we both are <3 

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