Post egg collection has not been great! Looks like I spoke far too soon yesterday as at 8.30pm last night I was sick. I slept until 2.00am in the morning and woke up and was sick again 3 more times. It was a really difficult night and this morning I am completely worn out... I am still feeling really strange this morning and will not be eating much today only drinking water. I rang up CARE Fertility and it may well be due to all the drugs I had yesterday.
We then had a phone call a little while after this from the embryologist. Out of the 6 eggs only 4 were mature enough to be fertilised and out of the 4 only 2 fertilised. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed with myself as that now reduces the chances of whether one or both of those eggs will have HD. We will have another update tomorrow morning on how the eggs are growing and on Monday they will be tested for HD.
Really struggling at the moment and in a low state of mind...Please pray for those 2 eggs..Pray they grow strong and big and most importantly please pray for one to be free from HD...
I keep trusting in God and know that all this is not for nothing...everything happens for reason...
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