Saturday, 1 February 2014

Fourth Scan...

Today we finally got to our fourth scan! We left extremely early this morning and arrived at Nottingham at 9.20am safely! 

We had a little bit of a wait as there was quite a lot of couples in the waiting room today but the main thing was that we were there. At 10.30am they called me for a scan, egg follicles are growing nicely but still not quite there yet. One of my follicles is at 19mm and on average the follicles need to be 18mm for egg collection so I am nearly there! Then I had my blood taken and was given another prescription for Menopur to collect at the Pharmacy. 

This afternoon I had my usual phone call to explain the results from my scan. They still would like me to continue the Menopur and Cetrotide tonight and tomorrow night and then I have another scan booked for Monday at 10.30am. 

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